

Deliverable 2.1: Deliverable 1 of WP 2 Requirements  (1.132 MB)
Deliverable 2.2: Planning Process  (1.82 MB)
Deliverable 3.1: Input Data  (3.81 MB)
Deliverable 3.2: Input Data Formats  (4.30 MB)
Deliverable 4.1: Efficient Data Structures and Models  (3.28 MB)
Deliverable 4.2: Efficient Simulation  (2.28 MB)
Deliverable 4.3: Efficient Charging Infrastructure  (364 KB)
Deliverable 4.4: Efficient Planning Process  (827 KB)
Deliverable 5.1: WP 5.1 Requirements Analysis and WP 5.4 Graphical User Interface (first three project months)  (2.42 MB)
Deliverable 5.2: Report Generation  (1.02 MB)
Deliverable 5.3: Implementation and Tests  (2.98 MB)
Deliverable 5.4: User's Manual  (8.57 MB)
Deliverable 6.1: Application of the Planning Tool  (2.88 MB)
Database on electric buses  (385 MB)

Articles and Conference Papers with reference to preparation of the Platon project

Janecki R., Karoń G., Krawiec S., Łazarz B., Markusik S., Sierpiński G.: The Technical and Operational Aspects of the Introduction of Electric-Powered Buses to the Public Transportation [in:] Janecki R., Krawiec S., Sierpiński G. (Eds.): Contemporary Transportation Systems. Selected Theoretical and Practical Problems. The Co-Modality of Transportation. Silesian University of Technology Publishing House. Gliwice 2013, pp. 163-186.

Herrmann A., Naumann S., Czogalla O.: Effizienter Betrieb von Elektrobussen – ein modellbasierter Ansatz zur optimalen Anwendung von Batterielade- und -wechseltechnologien (engl. Efficient operation of electric buses – a model-based approach to optimum use of battery charging and changing technologies, 11. Magdeburger Maschinenbautage, 25.-26.9.2013

Markusik S., Krawiec S., Łazarz B., Karoń G., Janecki R., Sierpiński G.: Możliwości zastosowania autobusów z napędem bateryjnym w publicznym transporcie zbiorowym. Logistyka nr 4/2014, pages 2173–2181

Janecki R., Karoń G., Krawiec S., Łazarz B., Markusik S., Sierpiński G.: The technical and operational aspects of the introduction of electric-powered buses to the public transportation system. International Conference Transport Research Arena – TRA 2014, Paris, France; Poster Session

Markusik S., Krawiec S., Łazarz B., Karoń G., Janecki R., Sierpiński G.: Praktyczne aspekty wdrożenia do transportu publicznego autobusów z napędem bateryjnym. Konferencja Naukowa Politechniki Śląskiej: Systemy Transportowe – Teoria i Praktyka. Katowice, 2014

Markusik S., Krawiec S., Łazarz B., Karoń G., Janecki R., Sierpiński G.: Możliwości zastosowania autobusów z napędem bateryjnym w publicznym transporcie zbiorowym. VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo – Techniczna Politechniki Warszawskiej: Systemy Logistyczne Teoria i Praktyka "Innowacyjne Rozwiązania w Transporcie Szansą dla Nowoczesnej Logistyki". Lidzbark Warmiński, 2014.

Büchter H., Naumann S.: Planning the use of electric busses precisely – Hybrid planning tool for the charging infrastructure of electric busses (original: Einsatz von E-Bussen präzise planen – Hybrides Planungswerkzeug für die Infrastruktur elektrisch betriebener Busse im öffentlichen Nahverkehr), In: Der Nahverkehr 5/2015, ISSN 0722-8287, pages 17-21

Articles and Conference Papers in result of the Platon project

Czogalla, O.; Xie, F.: Electric bus deployment tools for strategic and operational planning stages. 27th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Los Angeles, October 4-8, 2020.

Xie, F.; Czogalla, O.; Naumann, S.: Lithium Battery Model Development and Application in Simulation of the Energy Consumption of Electric Bus Running. In 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, July 11-17, 2020.

Xie, F.; Czogalla, O.: Lightweight Parameter Estimation for the Third-Order Lithium-Ion Battery Model Based on Non-iterative Algorithm. In ITEC 2020 (IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo), Chicago, June 23-26, 2020.

Kovalyov, M.Y.; Rozin, B.M.; Guschinsky, N.N.: A mathematical model and a randomized algorithm for a problem of optimal planning of the replacement of the traditional public transport by the electric transport. Automation and Remote Control (accepted), 2019.

Algin, V.; Goman, A.; Skorokhodov, A.: Main Operational Factors Determining the Energy Consumption of the Urban Electric Bus: Schematization and Modelling. In: Topical issues of mechanical engineering: Collection of scientific papers, Minsk, iss. 8, pp. 185-194. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32154.80328, 2019.

Algin, V.; Paddubka, S.: Chapter 30 Energy efficiency of vehicles (Pp. 501-522) and Chapter 31 Design modes for assessing the service properties and dependability of vehicles (Pp. 523-537). In: Algin V. and Paddubka S. Lifetime mechanics of vehicle transmissions, Belaruskaya Navuka, Minsk, Belarus.- 549 p. ISBN 978-985-08-2395-3 (monograph in Russian). Contents available from: TRANSMISSIONS [accessed Dec 16 2019].

Czapla, Z.; Krawiec, S.: GPS data-based estimation of travel time parameters for electric buses. WSL Forum, Poznań, 18 November, 2019.

Czogalla, O.; Xie, F.: Methods and tools for public bus fleet electrification in the area of sustainable city transportation. 26Th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Singapore, October 21-25, 2019.

Czogalla, O; Jumar, U.: Design and control of electric bus vehicle model for estimation of energy consumption. 5th IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications Chengdu, PR China, September 25-27, 2019.

Algin, V.: Justification of calculated cases for the assessment of the basic properties of land vehicles. Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 22 - 26 September 2019. Hannover, Germany, Editors Michael Beer and Enrico Zio. Pp. 3510-3517. ISBN: 978-981-11-2724-3; doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3 0765-cd.

Rozin, B.; Kovalyov, M.Y., Guschinsky, N.: Minimizing the number of depot charging points for electric buses of several routes. Proc. of the int. EURO Mini Conf. "Modelling and Simulation of Social-Behavioral Phenomena in Creative Societies (MSBC-2019)",Vilnius, Lithuania, September 18-20, p. 48, 2019.

Czogalla, O.; Naumann, S.: Evaluation of alternatives for realization of opportunity charging at transit stops by analyzing the power grid. 16th Scientific and Technical Conference Transport Systems Theory and Practice, 16-18 September, 2019.

Krawiec, S.; Krawiec, K.; Markusik, S.: Stages in the conversion process of bus fleet conversion from conventional to a 100% electric fleet. 16th Scientific and Technical Conference: Transport Systems Theory and Practice, Katowice, 16-18 September, 2019.

Pamuła, T.; Krawiec, S.: Electric buses: A review of selected concepts, solutions and challenges. 16th Scientific and Technical Conference: Transport Systems Theory and Practice, Katowice, 16-18 September, 2019.

Krawiec, K.: Outline of the concept of conventional or mixed fleet replacement with electric buses: a planning process. 7th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2019), Paris, 21-23 August 2019.

Krawiec, K.: A concept of conventional or mixed bus fleet conversion with electric vehicles: a planning process. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, available online, 2019, Doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.190509.

Krawiec, K.: Planning process to deploy electric buses in a public transport company. In: Transport problems 2019. XI International scientific conference, 26.06-28.06.2019, Katowice-Bochnia, Wisła. VIII International symposium of young researchers, 24.06-25.06.2019, Katowice. Proceedings. Ed. A. Sładkowski, P. Czech, M. Cieśla, T. Haniszewski, M. Juzek, W. Kamiński, P. Marzec, G. Wojnar. Silesian University of Technology. Faculty of Transport. Katowice : Silesian University of Technology. Faculty of Transport, 2019.

Krawiec, K.; Karoń, G.; Kłos, M.J.; Wierzbicki, Ł.: Selected Problems of the TCO for Conversion of the Conventional to a 100% Electric Bus Fleet. 17th European Transport Congresss "New Trends in Transport Systems", Bratislava, 13-14 June 2019.

Krawiec, K.; Kłos, M.J.; Markusik, S.; Bułkowski, A.: Ocena systemu transportowego opartego o napęd elektryczny z punktu widzenia cyberbezpieczeństwa. International Scientific Conference Transport of the 21st Century, Ryn, 9-12 June 2019.

Krawiec, K.; Kłos, M.J.; Markusik, S.; Bułkowski, A.: Ocena systemu transportowego opartego o napęd elektryczny z punktu widzenia cyberbezpieczeństwa. Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej, z. 124, 2019.

Krawiec, K.; Kłos, M.J.; Wierzbicki, Ł.: Technical, Economic and Organizational Constraints to Achieve a 100% Electric Bus Fleet in Urban Transit Company. TranSopot Scientific Conference, Sopot, 27-29 May 2019.

Kovalyov, M.: PLANNING THE TRANSITION FROM TRADITIONAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT TO ELECTRIC ONE. 10th International Scientific Conference "Information technologies in industry, logistics and the social sphere (ITI*2019)", Minsk, May 23-24, 2019.

Krawiec, K.; Karoń, G.; Kłos, M.J.; Wierzbicki, Ł.: Selected issues of the TCO model for the conversion of the conventional bus to electric one. Transport and Communications, vol. 7, iss 1, 2019.

Rozin, B.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Guschinsky, N.: MINIMIZING THE NUMBER OF DEPOT CHARGING STATIONS FOR ELECTRIC BUSES OF SEVERAL ROUTES. 10th International Scientific Conference "Information technologies in industry, logistics and the social sphere (ITI*2019)", Minsk, May 23-24, 2019.

Krawiec, K.: Public transport today in the context of future challenges: fleet conversion problem. 11th International Scientific Conference "Transbaltica 2019: Transportation Science and Technology, Vilnius, 2-3 May 2019.

Krawiec, K.: Towards 100% electric fleets in public transport. 1st Young Forum of European Transport Sciences (YFE) at the European Parliament 'Research and Transport Policy', Brussels, 10-12 April 2019.

Krawiec, S.; Krawiec, K.: Wdrażanie autobusów elektrycznych do publicznego transportu zbiorowego: teoria i praktyka. Aktualne problemy publicznego transportu zbiorowego w miastach i aglomeracjach PTZ'2019, Kraków, March 13-14, 2019.

Krawiec, S.; Krawiec, K.: Wdrażanie autobusów elektrycznych do publicznego transportu zbiorowego-teoria i praktyka. Transport miejski i regionalny, 2019.

Algin, V.: Calculated Modes for Assessing Operation Properties and Dependability of Vehicles. In book: Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science (Proceedings of the 15th IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science. Ed. Tadeusz Uhl), Springer, 2019, pp. 3749-3758. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20131-9_370.

Algin, V.; Czogalla, O.; Kovalyov, M.; Krawiec, K.; Chistov, S.: Essential functionalities of ERA-NET Electric Mobility Europe Platon project. Mechanics of Machine, Mechanisms and Materials No. 4 (45), ISSN 1995-0470, 2018. Pages 24-35.

Algin, V.: Electrification of Urban Transport. Basic Stages in Creating Electric Buses Fleet. Mechanics of Machine, Mechanisms and Materials 3 (44), ISSN 1995-0470, 2018. Pages 5-17.

Krawiec, S.; Markusik, S.; Żochowska, R.; Karoń, G.; Krawiec, K.; Sobota, A.; Kłos, M.J.: Naukowe instrumenty wsparcia konwersji floty autobusów miejskich z floty konwencjonalnej na zasilaną elektrycznie. Logistics Systems. Theory and Practice. Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference, Warsaw, 25-27 June 2018.

Krawiec, S.; Markusik, S.; Żochowska, R.; Karoń, G.; Krawiec, K.; Sobota, A.; Kłos, M.J.: Strategiczny kontekst procesu wymiany autobusów komunikacji publicznej o napędzie konwencjonalnym na autobusy elektryczne. Logistics Systems. Theory and Practice. Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference, Warsaw, 25-27 June 2018.

Krawiec, S.: Doświadczenia badawcze Politechniki Śląskiej w obszarze nowych technologii w transporcie autobusowym. Posiedzenie wyjazdowe sejmowej Podkomisji stałej ds. polityki rozwoju inteligentnych miast i elektromobilności Komisji Cyfryzacji, Innowacyjności i Nowoczesnych Technologii, Gliwice, 20 June 2018.

Krawiec, S.: Doświadczenia badawcze Politechniki Śląskiej w obszarze nowych technologii w transporcie autobusowym. Konferencja: Nowe technologie w autobusowym transporcie publicznym, Gliwice, 16 April 2018.

Krawiec, S.; Markusik, S.; Żochowska, R.; Karoń, G.; Krawiec, K.; Sobota, A.; Kłos, M.J.: Strategiczny kontekst procesu wymiany autobusów komunikacji publicznej o napędzie konwencjonalnym na autobusy elektryczne. Prace Naukowe-Transport, z. 120, Politechnika Warszawska: Problemy Transportu w Inżynierii Logistyki cz.3, p. 209-218, 2018.

Karoń, G.; Krawiec, K.; Krawiec, S.; Kłos, M. J.; Markusik, S.; Sobota, A.; Żochowska, R.: Naukowe instrumenty wsparcia konwersji floty autobusów miejskich z floty konwencjonalnej na zasilaną elektrycznie. Prace Naukowe-Transport, z. 121, Politechnika Warszawska: Problemy Transportu w Inżynierii Logistyki cz.4, p. 125-134, 2018.

Algin, V.; Czogalla, O.; Kovalyov, M.; Krawiec, K.: Essential functionalities of ERA-NET Electric Mobility Europe Platon project, International conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering-2018, Minsk, Belarus, September 18-19, 2018.


The Platon project was presented at the Electric Mobility Europe Kick-off event for Research and Innovation projects in Vienna on April 20, 2018.

The Platon project was presented at the Electric Mobility Europe Midterm event for Research and Innovation projects in Warsaw on May 13, 2019.

The Platon project was presented at the Global Public Transport Summit (UITP 2019) as a poster in the Session of E-buses for the masses in Stockholm on June 11, 2019.


The Electric Mobility Europe website (EM Europe) gives a brief description of all Research and Innovation projectsin the program, including PLATON, as well as offers here a brochure for download about all Research and Innovation projects. Find the PLATON project on page 20 of the brochure.